Financial Aid

At Washington & Jefferson College, 澳门葡京博彩软件致力于通过奖学金消除经济障碍, grants, and financial assistance. Because together we thrive, we seek to understand your particular financial situation and explore all of your options for paying for college with you.

Contact Information:


P: 724-223-6019

View Financial Aid's main page to stay up to date.


Room or Floor: 

Admission House

Admission House

The Admission offices at W&我在位于华盛顿惠灵街的招生大厅里. 入院楼是一座建于1894年的美丽的维多利亚风格豪宅. Although converted into many offices, 许多原有的建筑物和建筑的完整性已得到恢复,完好无损. Learn more about admission to W&J